Low Pressure Garden Hose Foam Gun with Multi Mixing Ratio
- For cleaning, degreasing or disinfecting when a foam is desired to increase surface
contact time - Supermarket and packing house meat cutting rooms and equipment
- Food handling and preparation areas
- Institutional, industrial, or public restrooms, shower rooms, and locker rooms
- Animal cages
- Dairy equipment
- Trucks, cars and other equipment
- Exceptional chemical resistance to acidic or caustic cleaners
- Accurately mixes and sprays foaming chemicals
- Foam generating wand creates a thick, clinging foam
- Fan spray deflector included for disinfectants, etc.
- Durable polymer mixing head with stainless steel screws
- Quick-set dial selects mixing ratio or mixing off setting
- Anti-siphon built into handle
- Detach handle for a powerful spray rinse
- Easy to fill wide mouth, chemical resistant polyethylene quart or half
gallon bottle